When Should You Refinance?

When Should You Refinance?

When is the right time to refinance your current mortgage? Refinancing your mortgage is something most homeowners consider at least once throughout the lifespan of their home loan. It allows you to pay off your previous loan by applying for a new one that has better...
5 Refinance Myths That Could Be Costing You Money

5 Refinance Myths That Could Be Costing You Money

Unless you live under a large rock on Palmyra Atoll, you’ve probably heard the news: Refinancing can potentially save you thousands of dollars—especially if you refinance when rates are still low. So, what’s holding you back? Here are a few myths about...
5 Signs you should refinance your home loan

5 Signs you should refinance your home loan

As summer comes to an end and life seems to settle back down it might be a chance to see if we can save some money by reviewing 5 signs you should refinance your home loan! 1. Your mortgage rate is at least 1% over current rates One rule of thumb says that if your...